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Shanghai Protects Women's Rights, Interests

Time:2024-06-04 01:03:39 Source:politicsViews(143)

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Shanghai Protects Women's Rights, Interests

 February 8, 2023

To protect women's legal rights and interests, East China's Shanghai Municipality, during the 46th Session of the Standing Committee of the 15th Municipal People's Congress (held on November 23, 2022), adopted the Regulations of Shanghai on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests. The regulations, the first of the kind to be adopted by the city, took effect on January 1, 2023.

The regulations aim to help women protect their legal rights and interests, especially regarding politics, culture, education, the job market and family relations, right of person and properties, and all other spheres in social development.

The regulations stipulate women should enjoy equal rights with men in politics. In accordance with the regulations, women and women's organizations should have the right to offer opinions about and suggestions for protecting women's rights and interests to State organs. The regulations guarantee women have the same right to vote and stand for election as men. In accordance with the regulations, women's federations, at all levels across the city, should participate, on behalf of women, in the democratic consultation, decision-making, management and supervision of national and social affairs.

The regulations stress greater efforts should be made to prevent and crack down on sexual harassment against women, and the abductions of and trafficking in women.

In accordance with the regulations, women are encouraged to develop an innovative spirit, and entrepreneurial competence. The regulations also stress women's legal rights and interests in their employment and career development should be protected.


(Women of China English Monthly January 2023 issue)


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